Monday, July 16, 2007

Precious Memories flood my soul

Most of my pictures are in storage, but found this one on my computer. These were good times. Love and missing you so much Johnny, Love Mom and Dad


MarlaSt said...

I have been thinking the last few days about what I wanted to post on here. There are so many great memories of Johnny. Of course, I could go all the way back to when we lived in Las Vegas, when Johnny was just a baby, and Aunt Esther and Uncle John went out with my parents and let me watch him. Which was a big deal to me, as I knew then that they didn't leave him with very many people. And I took that responsibility very seriously. He was sooo cute and so much fun. That is until I went to change his diaper and he peed in my face. I will never forget how Johnny grinned at me while I was reacting to the warm spray. And of course, there are so many precious memories of Johnny with my children, Kristianne and Robbie. How sweet he always was with them, how much he loved being around them and they with him. Watching Johnny grow up into such a wonderful, loving, talented young man. But, if I had to choose just one thing that will always stay with me as long as I live, it will be the laughter. Goofballs run in my family, and Johnny inherited that gene. Catching his eye across the room at a family gathering, and just busting up with laughter from the look on his face. Joking with him about things, and belly laughing together. Johnny had a great sense of humor (he came by it honestly) and he always made me laugh. You don't realize how much you appreciate something that may seem so small, until it is not there anymore. But Johnny got that, and I learned so much from him. I carry that and so much more with me everyday. Now all of those memories are precious treasures. I miss him. Knowing that someday I will see him again, gives me peace and hope.
I love you Johnny and I love you Aunt Esther, Uncle John and Trisha. Not only do I carry the gifts that Johnny gave, but I carry with me the example of love that you all share. You have taught and are still teaching all of us how to carry on through such a great loss.
My love and prayers go out to you always, but especially at this time of the year.

Diane J Standiford said...

What a wonderful tribute.
Such a beautiful voice he had.
Thank you for sharing.
