There are so so many special memories of Christmas with Johnny. Like picking out our Christmas tree every year. We could not wait to go to the Christmas tree farm to get our tree. We both loved to decorate the tree. We would put on some Christmas music and just laugh and have a great time decorating the tree. (maybe even have a little fight over the ornaments too:-) One year when we were older and could drive ourselves, Mom and Dad must have been gone or something, they gave us money to go get a Christmas tree. So Jim, Johnny and I went to the Christmas tree farm. HAHAHA we could pick out which ever one we wanted and they werent there to tell us no. LOL. We came home with a HUGE tree. It wouldn't even stand up in the tree stand. We had to put it in the corner so we could lean it up against the wall for support. That was great. Going back in time a little. I remember when every Christmas Eve Johnny would sleep in my room because we were just so excited we had to be together. We would be awake most of the night talking and giggling then wake up super early to see what Santa had brought us. There are so many more great memories that I could share but I'll save those for next year. Christmas was always very special at our house. I wish we had all those years on video so we could watch them now with our girls. I can only tell them about the wonderful Christmases that Johnny and I had when we were kids. Thank you Mom and Dad for all the wonderful memories!