Thursday, May 03, 2007

I need your memories. Please e-mail me your pictures with Johnny. Love ya.
Uncle John and Aunt Esther

Johnny and one of his buddies.Thanks Lori for the memories

Johnny and his Buddy Josh (Bubba)

Those 2 are so cute!!!!

Johnny memories


Rhonda Baker, Mom and Johnny
Trisha, Bubba and Johnny
Johnny ready to hit someone with a water balloon
Johnny, Amanda, Kristianne and Bubba
Josh, Johnny and Gregory

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Lori found some pictures of Johnny. Oh, The memories

Johnny, Amanda and Josh
Amanda,Kristianne, Bubba,Johnny and Robbie

Johnny loved to hide the eggs
Johnny, Josh and Chris
Carol(neighbor), Greg, Johnny, Josh and Chris

Look for more pictures to come, if you have any please scan them and send to Aunt Esther. Love you and miss you Johnny